
My Swallowing Program


You will have a swallowing test.  It will be either a bedside exam or an x-ray after you drink a liquid with barium in it.  After the test we will help you eat without food getting into your windpipe and lungs.

You may be using tube feedings when your test takes place.  After the test, you may need to keep on eating no food by mouth.  We will let you know if it is not safe for you to eat by mouth.  You also may not be able to get enough nutrition by mouth.

The goal of your swallowing treatment is to help you eat and drink without food or liquids getting into your airway.  You will follow an eating plan based on the advice of your speech pathologist.

Here is the order in which you will work up to eating all kinds of foods:

  • Pureed food with thickened liquids

  • Soft, semi-solid foods with thickened liquids

  • Soft, semi-solid foods with thin liquids

  • Soft foods

  • Regular foods

We may recommend thickened liquids at any time.  You may be able to drink water while on thickened liquids.  You may not have any other thin liquids.

To improve your swallowing we may recommend:

  • Changing your position

  • Exercises for the muscles in your mouth

  • Using changes in temperature to help you swallow

If you are at high risk of food or liquid getting into your windpipe, a speech pathologist will work with you when you eat. He or she will tell your nurse how to use swallowing techniques for your meals.  If you are not at great risk for getting liquid in your airway, we will watch your swallowing during meals as needed.


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