

Hydrocephalus is an abnormal increase in the amount of fluid in the brain.


How does it happen?

This happens when there is a problem with the normal re-absorption of the fluid.  After bleeding in the brain is an example.


Hydrocephalus can happen:

  • Right after the bleeding in the brain

  • Right after surgery

  • As late as 10 or more days after the surgery


Warning signs

Signs that hydrocephalus may be happening can be slow.  The signs could be:

  • Increased drowsiness

  • Personality changes

  • A decline in physical ability

It is important that you let your doctor know of any changes, since the signs can be slow.  Your doctor will decide if you need tests.  You may notice these changes before others do.



If it is determined that there is increased hydrocephalus, your doctor will explain the placement of a shunt.

This shunt is a tube that drains your cerebral spinal fluid.  Things should being to improve when the shut is in place.

It is important for you to remember when the shunt is in place, it can act up.  It's important to tell your doctor if you are concerned there is a problem.


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