
Reversing the Habit of Overeating


You can change your bad eating habits by developing new rules to make you successful.

  • To do this you will need to: 

  • Develop new rules just for you. 

  • Become aware of your habits and the cues that lead you to overeat.

  • Choose the new behavior outlined in your new rules rather than your old habit.

  • Choose to think thoughts that support your new rules.

  • Develop a support system that helps you stick to your rules.

New rules for you 

Simply knowing the right behavior is not enough. 
Rules provide structure.  They prepare us to deal with tempting stimuli and redirect our attention elsewhere.

Setting a rule and sticking with it creates new healthy habits.

Rules require attention, practice, and advance planning.  They are motivated by the expectation that you will gain emotional satisfaction in new ways.

  • Rules are conscious.  We need to stay aware of our new rules.

  • Rules can be expressed in words.  We need to state them.

  • Rules can guide new desired behavior

  • Rules give us a different response to a bad habit or behavior

  • Rules are not the same as willpower.  They require higher brain function.

  • Rules must be practiced until they become automatic.



Being aware means you know the risks of a situation.  You can state the cues that lead you to overeat.  To have control over these cues requires that you first notice them.

List your habit or situation that you want to work on.




Example A 
Three kinds of pizza are ordered every Friday at work for lunch.  I tell myself I am only going to have one slice, but end up eating at least 3 and often 4 slices.  I like to have one of each kind.


Example B
I am into the snacks every day right after work.  I eat chips, cookies or crackers even if I am not hungry.  I plan to only have one serving but have 4 or 5 servings in less than 10 minutes.


New behavior needs a new rule 

What “rule” would you like to write to change your behavior in the situation you listed?

Write out your new rule to the situation you described.



Example A
I will choose not to eat lunch in the employee break room on Friday.  I will bring my own lunch and eat in the cafeteria.

I will take one slice and chew each bite 20 times to make it last.  I will put a piece of gum or a hard mint in my mouth after I finish the piece of pizza. 


Example B
I will remove snack type foods from my house.  If I want a snack after work I will have a piece of fruit or a yogurt.

When I get home, I will not go to the kitchen.  I will put my bag in the living room and then sit down to look at the mail before going to the kitchen to start dinner.


My new thoughts

You need to write a new script for yourself!


Example A 
I can control this.  I choose to eat only 1 slice of pizza.


Example B
I choose to sit down and read the mail before stepping into the kitchen to start dinner.  I will be more relaxed sitting down than I would be if I ate the chips.


Write down your new thoughts to support your new rules.






Write out what support system you want to develop.


Example A
Ask a co-worker to keep you on track for the pizza.    If you eat more than one piece you will owe your  co-worker $5 for each extra piece.


Example B
Ask a family member of friend to call you to ask what you ate after work before you started dinner.  They can also ask you what was in the mail.


List your idea of how a friend or family member could help with your situation.





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