
Gluteal Strengthening

Lying on your Back, Side Lying, and Trunk Supported

These exercises will strengthen your hip, buttocks, and back.  You should not feel pain when you do these
exercises.  Do the exercises slowly and with control.  Rest between each repetition.

Do this exercise _____ times (repetitions).  Hold for _____ seconds.  Do _____ sessions every day or every other day.


Gluteus Maximus - unilateral clam shell

  1. Lie on your side with your shoulder and hips in a straight line.  Bend your hips and knees slightly (about 45-60 degrees).

  2. Tighten your abdominal (stomach) muscles, push down into the floor with your hand and bottom knee so that your hips do not roll backward as you lift your knee.

  3. Tighten your gluteal (butt) muscles.  Lift your knee up toward the ceiling, keeping your feet together.

  4. Return to resting position.

  5. Repeat on your other side.






Gluteus Medius strengthening - side lying

  1. Lie on your side with your shoulder and hips in a straight line.  Bend your hips and knees slightly (about 45-60 degrees).

  2. Tighten your abdominal (stomach) muscles, push down into the floor with your hand and lower knee so that your hips do not roll backward as you lift your foot. 

  3. Lift your foot toward the ceiling as shown.

  4. Return to resting position.






Gluteal Strengthening - bilateral clam shell


  1. Lie on your back with your knees and hips flexed and your feet flat.

  2. Tighten your abdominal (stomach) muscles to keep a neutral spine.  Draw your navel up and in toward your spine.

  3. Place your thumbs on your hip bones on each side.  Slowly allow your knees to separate as far as possible.  Do not arch your back.

  4. When one hip bone starts to move down toward your feet, stop and slowly return your knees together.



Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat.  Place a theraband around your knees as your therapist told you.  Tighten your abdominal muscles.  Slowly move one knee out to the side _______ times.  Repeat on the other side _______ times.  Then move both knees out to your sides _______ times. 

Gluteal strengthening - trunk supported

  1. Lean your trunk over a table or counter.

  2. Lift your _______ leg toward the ceiling.  Your knee should be slightly bent.

  3. Return to resting position.

  4. Repeat on the other side.

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