
Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

When you have incomplete spinal cord injury, you still have some function below the level of the injury. The results from this type of injury vary from person to person.


Anterior cord syndrome

The spinal cord is damaged on its front side. The result is a loss of movement below the injury.

Posterior cord syndrome

The spinal cord is damaged on its back side. This results in a loss of feeling below the injury.

Central cord syndrome

The spinal cord is damaged in the center. The result is more loss of movement or feeling in the arms and less damage to the legs.

Brown Sequard syndrome

Only half of the spinal cord is injured, either on the left or right side. This results in a loss of movement on the same side of the body as the damage to the cord. It also results in a loss of feeling on the other side of the body below the injury.


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